What does a regenerative food system mean to us?
A regenerative system is one where each part of the system has the ability to thrive while contributing to the health of the system as a whole.
One where we recognize the interdependence of all participants: soil, water, atmosphere, plants, microorganisms, animals, people, business, and capital;
Where food is produced in ways that are mutually beneficial and rely on the participants’ relationship to each other rather than external inputs;
Where all participants are valued and respected, with an understanding that when any individual is compromised it diminishes the health of the entire system, recognizing that diversity makes a system more adaptive and resilient;
Where we work together to reverse a legacy of ecological, racial and economic injustice to restore balance among people, ecology, climate and capital.
Regeneration is a journey not a destination. Understanding that it will take time to achieve our aspirational objectives based on current circumstances, we are committed to making decisions that continually align our activities with these principles to achieve the multiple benefits of a regenerative food system over time.